It could use some work.

 Hi Friends, 

Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money. We shopped thrift stores and 50% plus sale racks exclusively. It was (and sometimes still is) a thrill to get a deal. 

It also meant wearing a lot of things that were, let's just say, not very fashionable. 

For a while now, my style could use some work.

One of those things that I never had style with, was shoes. I mean, I found a pair of Vans or skate shoes every once in a while, but I feel like I should probably advance past my teenage years at this point.

And, yet again, my wife provides the inspiration. She got white Air Force 1's and she's kind of a baller. 

So there I am, standing in a massive Nike store, thinking about buying these expensive shoes, and I want to say no. I want to chicken out.

But, thankfully, I am reminded that, if I want to be fashionable, I have to make some choices. 

She's right, of course. 

And there is sooooo much you can do with the right shoes. 

Walking through SoHo in my Nikes felt great btw.

#worthit #treatyoself

- Ryan 

be curious, not judgemental


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